Here, you'll find practical advice on protecting your ideas and navigating the world of intellectual property rights.
Det norske paradoks
Sverige, Danmark og Sveits har flere ganger så mange patentsøknader per innbygger som Norge. Økt globalisering og mer aktiv håndhevelse av patenter gjør norske bedrifter mer bevisste om immaterielle rettigheter.
Til utlandet via PCT
De fleste som søker patent i flere land velger såkalt PCT-søknad. WIPO har laget en video som forklarer prosessen.
Hold patentsøknaden hemmelig etter innlevering!
Du vet sikkert at det er avgjørende å holde en oppfinnelse hemmelig frem til en patentsøknad er innlevert. Men visste du at det også kan være lurt å holde patentsøknaden hemmelig etter innlevering?
Our knowledge, your peace of mind
Comprehensive IP solutions delivered with professionalism and genuine care.
Håmsø Patentbyrå AS is one of Norway's leading intellectual property law firms. We offer a complete range of services in patent, trade mark and design protection.
More about usFrom securing patents and trademarks to navigating complex international regulations, we guide you through every step of the process with clarity and confidence. As the Nordic partner in the AIPEX IP network, we also offer simplified IP portfolio management for large international organisations.
Patents protect the technical aspects of an invention, including what they are, how they work, and what they do.
Read moreTrademarks
Registered trade marks are used to protect brand names, logos, slogans, and even distinctive sounds and smells associated with a company or product.
Read moreDesigns
Registered designs protect the physical appearance of a product. This includes the shape, configuration, pattern, or ornamentation that gives the product a unique appearance.
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